Experienced Professional Organizer

Mallory Overstrom, the founder and owner of Organize My Space, is an experienced Professional Organizer. She graduated from Mount Ida College, in the Spring of 2009, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and an Associate's Degree in Interior Design.
Mallory began her journey by working with a local professional organizer, with decades of experience. From her first organization project, Mallory enjoyed making a positive difference in the lives of others and helping clients achieve a peaceful, functional space. Over the years Mallory has continued to work in the field with different organizations and gained valuable experience with every client she encountered, and knowledge from her highly-valued organizing mentors. Mallory founded Organize My Space to continue to make a positive difference in people’s lives and homes.
Organize My Space holds to the strictest codes of ethics and confidentiality, and makes no judgement.